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The Online LLN Quiz is a quiz developed by The Learning Resources Group to provide an indication of a person's Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral Communication and Numeracy Skills aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF).

There are 2 quizzes to choose from:
Standard LLN Quiz
Perfect for practicing LLN tests and for any courses up to Certificate 3 level.
Allow up to 20 minutes to complete.
Advanced LLN Quiz
This quiz builds on the standard quiz by adding higher levels of assessment against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). Suitable for Certificate 3, Certificate 4 and higher level qualifications.
Allow up to an hour to complete.
How Does it Work?
Register for your LLN Quiz.
Follow the link sent to your email address.
Complete the online LLN Quiz and have your results emailed directly to you.

Register Here
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